Patent analysis
by experts

You ben­e­fit from our long­time experience!

TIPAG de­liv­ers!


An in-depth knowl­edge about your IP portfolio!

TIPAG shows you in a clear­ly struc­tured way which of your patents can be used where. Whether you need to pro­tect your­self from a com­peti­tor or de­fend your­self, TIPAG is at your side!

TIPAG delivers!


A clear overview of the patent­ing process!

From the first steps in the de­vel­op­ment process to the patent ap­pli­ca­tion and be­yond!
TIPAG fa­cil­i­tates the han­dling of your in­ven­tion with ex­pert knowl­edge and ex­pe­ri­ence dur­ing all phas­es of the patent­ing process!

TIPAG ser­vices overview

In­fringe­ment Analysis

TIPAG in­ves­ti­gates de­vices of all kinds
on patent infringements.

FTO Analy­sis

TIPAG sup­ports your success
with an FTO analysis.

Fend Off Patent Lawsuits

TIPAG ex­am­ines your options
to prevail.

Port­fo­lio Review

TIPAG de­ter­mines the quality
of your patent portfolio.

Patent­ing Process

TIPAG ac­com­pa­nies you from the idea
to the grant­ed patent.

En­gi­neer­ing Support

All-round sup­port from TIPAG for
the tech­ni­cal re­al­iza­tion of your idea.

At TIPAG we are aware of the val­ue and in­flu­ence of your in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty. You can be sure that your ideas are in good hands.

We guar­an­tee you fullest con­fi­den­tial­i­ty and high­est discretion!