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Ser­vices provided

As patent ex­perts at TIPAG, we are in a po­si­tion to get an overview of a patent port­fo­lio and the as­so­ci­at­ed tech­nolo­gies in a very short time. We fil­ter and sort the rel­e­vant in­for­ma­tion and present you the re­sults in a glob­al overview.

On the ba­sis of the knowl­edge gained, a con­cept will then be drawn up on how you can man­age your patents and to­geth­er with you we work out a cor­re­spond­ing project strat­e­gy tai­lored to your needs.

In­fringe­ment Analysis

Patent in­fringe­ment analy­sis (In­fringe­ment Analy­sis) means align­ing your patent­ed claims with cur­rent prod­ucts on the mar­ket. We have the abil­i­ty to test patent claims in a short time for use in a de­vice of your de­sire. We ob­tain the de­vices to be ex­am­ined, put them into op­er­a­tion and an­a­lyze them for a pos­si­ble patent in­fringe­ment on the run­ning device.

You will then re­ceive a re­port from us con­tain­ing the re­sults ob­tained and we will ad­vise you on the prepa­ra­tion of the next steps.

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FTO Analy­sis

Are you ex­plor­ing a new tech­nol­o­gy and pro­mot­ing its development?

Check with our ex­perts which ob­sta­cles are in the way of your in­no­va­tions. Our FTO analy­sis (Free­dom-To-Op­er­ate Analy­sis) shows you where you stand and helps clear the way for a suc­cess­ful mar­ket launch.

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Fend Off Patent Lawsuits

TIPAG helps you to de­fend your in­ven­tions by ex­plor­ing the tech­ni­cal as­pect of the as­ser­tion and de­vel­op­ing a promis­ing de­fense strat­e­gy with your lawyers.

From many years of suc­cess­ful co­op­er­a­tion, we have very good con­tacts with patent at­tor­neys in Eu­rope and the USA. We rec­om­mend these to you if needed.

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Port­fo­lio Review

Dis­cov­er the strengths of your port­fo­lio and make sure you are pre­pared for fu­ture technologies.

We check the qual­i­ty of your patents for you and give you hints in which ar­eas your po­ten­tial lies and to what ex­tent you could se­cure your­self better.
We as­sign your claims to the re­spec­tive tech­nolo­gies and as­sess their rel­e­vance by means of a rat­ing sys­tem. You will re­ceive a com­pact overview of your patent port­fo­lio in a chart.

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Patent­ing Process

We ac­com­pa­ny you through the en­tire life cy­cle of your in­ven­tions, from the ig­nit­ing mo­ment of the in­ven­tion, through the draft of your in­ven­tion dis­clo­sure, to the fil­ing process as well as the se­lec­tion of coun­tries for your patent application.

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TIPAG has all the nec­es­sary equip­ment to prove and doc­u­ment most patent infringements.

For in­ves­ti­ga­tions that ex­ceed our ca­pa­bil­i­ties, we main­tain a wide range of con­tacts to ex­ter­nal lab­o­ra­to­ries whose ser­vices we can call on at any time. This al­lows us to of­fer you a so­lu­tion even for the most de­mand­ing analyses.