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Fend Off Patent Lawsuits

You al­ready have to deal with patent as­ser­tions? We help you to pre­pare and ex­am­ine your op­tions to pre­vail. We com­pare the patent claims with the rel­e­vant state of the art, col­lect in­for­ma­tion and ar­gu­ments and dis­cuss our re­sults in­di­vid­u­al­ly with your en­gi­neers and le­gal advisors.

TIPAG with its longterm ex­pe­ri­enced patent and tech­nol­o­gy ex­perts is able to pro­vide you with the nec­es­sary ex­pert knowl­edge for in-depth analysis.

“Pri­or art” — A fo­cussed “state of the art” search re­quires ex­pe­ri­ence and expertise.

TIPAG works with var­i­ous data­bas­es, search en­gines and oth­er sources to de­ter­mine the pri­or art of a spe­cif­ic in­ven­tion. We also use dif­fer­ent key­words as well as patent and non-patent lit­er­a­ture to get the most op­ti­mal results.

Thanks to our many years of ex­pe­ri­ence in de­vel­op­ment and patent in­fringe­ment analy­sis, we know com­mon so­lu­tions from var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ers and know where to look.

The fil­tered re­sults are man­u­al­ly with the as­sert­ed claims in or­der to de­vel­op ar­gu­ments for a suit­able de­fense strat­e­gy for you.

We will glad­ly ex­plain our re­sults to the oth­er par­ty and as­sist your at­tor­neys on-site in patent negotiations.

“Non-In­fringe­ment” — A sub­stan­ti­at­ed refu­ta­tion of a patent in­fringe­ment re­quires deep ex­per­tise in the rel­e­vant technology.

The dev­il is in the de­tail! Every sin­gle word in a claim must be clear­ly shown in your prod­ucts. Thanks to our many years of de­tailed patent analy­sis, we can quick­ly dis­cov­er where the plain­tiff might have prob­lems clear­ly prov­ing the patent in­fringe­ment. To­geth­er with your en­gi­neers and ex­perts, we col­lect ar­gu­ments that show that you DO NOT INFRINGE the as­sert­ed patent — with­out re­veal­ing your trade secrets.

Of­ten an al­ready patent­ed so­lu­tion at first glance seems to be the best pos­si­ble so­lu­tion. We pro­vide sug­ges­tions on how to al­ter­na­tive­ly im­ple­ment an­oth­er so­lu­tion to achieve the same re­sults (de­sign-around).

Ex­cit­ing to know!

More than

patent lit­i­ga­tion deal with the courts in the US alone every year!

(Source: Heise On­line)


  • 80% 80%

of Ger­man com­pa­nies sus­pect a vi­o­la­tion of their patents!

  • 18% 18%

of the in­ves­ti­gat­ed cas­es end up in court!

Ac­cord­ing to ex­perts, around

bil­lion US $ of in­di­rect dam­age is caused world­wide by patent law­suits from so-called “patent trolls”!

DVB-T2 case study available!

TIPAG has suc­cess­ful­ly eval­u­at­ed a port­fo­lio re­lat­ed to DVB-T2 trans­mis­sion standard.

Find here the state­ment re­lat­ing to this