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Patent­ing Process

TIPAG ac­com­pa­nies you from the idea to the grant­ed patent and in­ves­ti­gates ad­di­tion­al in­ven­tive sub­stance for pos­si­ble patent splits.

The fol­low­ing schemat­ic se­quence shows you when and how we use our know-how to pos­i­tive­ly in­flu­ence the life­cy­cle of your patents from the first idea to the man­age­ment of grant­ed patents.

We would be hap­py to pro­vide you with more de­tailed in­for­ma­tion about the patent­ing process and our op­tions for in­ter­ven­tion. As ad­di­tion­al sup­port on the patent law side, we also have good and long-stand­ing con­tacts with patent at­tor­neys in Eu­rope and the USA, which we can in­te­grate into the process or rec­om­mend to you.